In modern medical science, obesity does not simply mean being overweight. Obesity is defined as an "excess accumulation of fat in the human body," indicating that "the amount of fat within the body has increased beyond its normal range." As shown in the chart, the normal range of fat against weight is 15-20% for a man and 20-25% for a woman. A man will be diagnosed as being obese if he has a fat-to-weight ratio of 25% or more, and for a woman, if she has a ratio of 30% or more.

Effect of Oolong Tea in Metabolism

Polyphenol in oolong tea is effective in controlling obesity. Specifically speaking, it activates the enzyme that is responsible for dissolving triglyceride. It has been confirmed that the continuous intake of oolong tea contributes to enhancing the function of fat metabolism and to controlling obesity.

Article Source: oolongtea.org
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