WuYi mountains can be found in the Fujian region of China where Oolong Tea was discovered many centuries ago.

Fujian Oolong tea is becoming one of the fastest selling new teas in the market - given celebrity status thanks to the Oprah show.

The Fat Controller, what is it? did'nt I hear on the news that a Fat Controller had been discovered - but would'nt be released for a few years? Wrong. The Fat controller already exists now, it is Oolong Tea. It works by preventing triglycerides from turning into fat - instead it turns your fat into energy!

Don't take my word for it, one of the biggest keep fit websites in America sells Oolong tea in supplement form to its athletes, not only that, they have their own resident Doctors that have written articles praising Oolong tea.

Like with any slimming or dieting programmes, there must also be a degree of control of the types of food you consume to aid weight loss.

Not only does Oolong tea help with any weight loss program - it also helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol too. This is achieved by the polyphenols found within - these act as powerful antioxidants - mopping up free-radicals.

Free Radicals

Free-radicals are bad cells which continue to multiply, this could leads to premature ageing and age related illnesses.

For more details, click here.
1 Response
  1. Pete Says:

    Oolong tea is good! Got my from Fujian too!

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